How profile enrichment in email marketing can create mega revenue growth

Koen van de Wetering
October 27, 2022

Together with my colleagues Bram, Amy and Andrea, we couldn't believe what we saw: 1700% sales growth. How?

Patrick from MailCampaigns, during a challenge from Social Media Entrepreneur, shared how they had achieved these results in a short time for Undiemeister by applying profile enrichment. You can watch the recordings of this challenge at the bottom of this article.

Undiemeister is a webshop with high quality men's underwear, t-shirts, polos, swim shorts and socks. A webshop that already has a large reach and a substantial turnover.

In this article, we'd like to explain how MailCampaigns was able to achieve this revenue growth for Undiemeister.

Koen (Social Media Entrepreneur) and Patrick (MailCampaigns) during the live webinar

The problem with email marketing

The big and most common problem with e-mail marketing, though, is that the supply is huge. Every day you receive dozens of newsletters. Many of these end up in your trash, usually even unseen. Based on the sender, 35% of email recipients decide to delete an email (Source:

Research shows that 41% of people eventually unsubscribe from a newsletter or mailing list. Therein lies the biggest challenge for you as an entrepreneur or marketer: how do you make sure that as few people as possible unsubscribe from your newsletters? 

Statistics E-Marketing Source:
Statistics E-Marketing Source:

From rest phase to interest phase

Funnels are often used in online marketing. A commonly used method is the See-Think-Do-Care funnel. This model is widely used to map the entire customer journey.

Patrick from MailCampaigns explained during the webinar that this method also plays an important role in the strategy at Undiemeister. As shown in the image below, the campaign for Undiemeister consists of 5 phases.

  • Orientation
  • Interest
  • Purchase
  • Use
  • Loyalty
Customer Journey Undiemeister
The steps the client must go through to achieve 1700% revenue growth.

At the beginning of the customer journey (when someone first comes in contact with your product or service), someone is in the orientation phase. This is also called the resting phase. The customer shows little activity in this phase and it is up to you to ensure that an unconscious need is triggered. In addition, you want the customer to start exploring the possibilities of meeting this need.

When people come to your website in the resting (or orientation) phase, you want to identify them as quickly as possible. That way, you can also start following up with visitors via e-mail.

Undiemeister therefore actively uses pop-ups on the Web site during this phase to collect leads. The webinar will specifically discuss the example with a win promotion. Of course, a pop-up does not have to be just a win promotion or a discount code. Brochure requests or quote requests can also be used as triggers in pop-ups.

The leads who join your email list in the rest phase are not ready to make a purchase right away. They first enter the second phase, which is the interest phase.

In Undiemester's example, leads go through this phase primarily through email marketing. The leads are captured in a welcome campaign, also called engagement funnel. The goal of these mailings is to inspire trust and build rapport. In doing so, you pique the interest of the lead and create engagement.

After signing up, leads receive a series of emails:

1. Confirmation of enrollment

Immediately after registering through the pop-up, participants will receive a confirmation email. This indicates that they now automatically have a chance to win every month. Also, the mail contains a brief introduction about Undiemeister. 

Confirmation email Undiemeister
Confirmation email Undiemeister after registering via pop-up

2. Introduction

The second email tells more about Undiemeister. It explains exactly what products they sell and what they stand for as a company. If you start asking the reader questions in this email, there is little chance that they will respond immediately. You first want to create trust by introducing yourself. 

Introduction email Undiemeister
Introduction email Undiemeister

Apply profile enrichment in your shop for more relevance.

The potential customer has now received a confirmation email and an introductory email. Now that there have been a number of contact moments, the interest phase has been reached. Now you want to get to know your customer better so you can start creating more relevant content.

At this stage they are probably not ready to make an immediate purchase but may be willing to tell a bit more about themselves. In the next mail, profile enrichment is applied. For example, questions are asked about what products they find interesting and what sizes they are. In this way you can easily identify the needs and desires of your customer.

With this information, you can then start sharing very relevant and personalized content. You apply this personalized content in the Purchase phase. 

Landing page profile enrichment Undiemeister
Landing page profile enrichment Undiemeister

What questions are relevant to your profile enrichment?

If you go with profile enrichment, then it is important to formulate your questions clearly. People enjoy answering questions about themselves. But if they have to think about a question for too long, chances are they will drop out. So keep it simple.

Make use of multiple choice answers as much as possible. That way the answer options are clear and they don't have to think too long about this either. The multiple choice questions can, if really necessary, be supplemented with open-ended questions.

Make sure the profile enrichment is built in steps and that the progression is visible to the visitor. In Undiemeister's example, it also makes visible how far along you are in the quiz. Making the progression visible also makes conversion much more likely. People like to see the progression. 

Progress made visible in Undiemeister's landing page
Progress made visible in Undiemeister's landing page

Another advantage of working in steps is that you can save each individual step. So when someone clicks away at step 4, the answers from steps 1 through 3 are still visible.

Undiemeister has divided the steps very well into different categories:

  1. Preferred
  2. Color
  3. Size
  4. Data

A simple and effective way to segment your mailing list.

Data enrichment, what can you do with it now?

During the webinar, Patrick indicated that nearly 50% of recipients complete Undiemeister's profile enrichment. This means that you get mega valuable insights regarding the preferences of your target audience. And the fact that they themselves have submitted their preferences also works psychologically to your advantage. You can now very easily capitalize on these preferences with the power of repetition.

In Undiemeister's example, you can now see whether someone is interested in boxer shorts, t-shirts or socks. You can then apply this data in your email marketing automation software by sharing very targeted and personalized offers and promotions. (There are dozens of tools for email marketing automation, here's a list of the most common ones).

By linking to your email marketing software, you can start "enriching" your current customers. You won't have to ask for e-mail addresses anymore either, after all, they are already your on your mailing list. You are literally going to enrich the data of your database.

You can also share the data with a Customer Data Platform (CDP). With CDP, you can use the obtained data to set up personalized marketing campaigns. It also allows you to display personalized content on your webshop based on what someone has entered. In the example of Undiemeister, for example, you will see underpants in the color red when you visit the webshop. 


I hope I was able to inspire you with this article.

The steps Undiemeister takes in its customer journey are simple and clear. The consumer feels heard and reciprocity is created. The focus is on choices made by the customer himself instead of tracking and hard KPIs. A whole different way of marketing approach.

Are you inspired by this article and the video? Don't forget to share it on LinkedIn or on other social media.

Challenge backjiken

Earlier, Patrick was our guest to speak at length about the case of Undiemeister. Watch the recording back below.